FEFAC is a member of the following organisations, platforms and EU stakeholder groupings.

IFIF, the International Feed Industry Federation, is made up of national and regional feed associations, feed related organizations, and corporate members from around the globe, representing over 80% of the animal feed production worldwide. IFIF provides a unified voice and leadership to represent and promote the global feed industry as an essential participant in the food chain that provides sustainable, safe, nutritious and affordable food for a growing world population. IFIF works with its members to ensure high standards of health and welfare for animals and people, by collaborating with the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE), the Codex Alimentarius Commission and other international bodies to help set international regulatory standards for the whole feed chain and support fair trade.

Animal Task Force
Animal Task Force, a knowledge based cooperation between representatives from industry and the academic world focused on enhancing innovation and sustainability in the animal production sector of Europe’s food supply chains. The integrated approach allows for the setting of the agenda for research and innovation in the animal domain and assures a valuable contribution to the societal and environmental challenges.

European Livestock Voice
European Livestock Voice is a multi-stakeholder group of like-minded EU partners in the livestock food chain that decided to unite to bring back a balanced debate around a sector that is playing such an essential role in Europe’s rich heritage and future. The associations which represent sectors ranging from animal health to feed, to breeding and animal farming and farmers, aim to inform the public about the social value of livestock production and its contribution to global challenges, offering another perspective in the ongoing debates.
EU Transparency Register: 454124791580-32

The Agri-Food Chain Coalition (AFCC)
Agri-Food Chain Coalition (AFCC), comprises twelve EU associations from agricultural input industries such as suppliers of machinery (CEMA), seeds (ESA), fertilizers (Fertilizers Europe), crop protection (CropLife Europe), animal breeding and reproduction (EFFAB), animal health (IFAH-Europe), animal feed (FEFAC), animal feed additives (FEFANA) and biotechnology-based products (EuropaBio), the agricultural trade (COCERAL and CELCAA) and EU farmers (Copa-Cogeca). Together, these industries account for more than 30 million jobs and some 3.5% of the EU’s gross value added.

EPRUMA (European Platform for the Responsible Use of Medicines in Animals), established in 2005 and composed of various EU organisations of the livestock and pet sectors, with the mission of promoting the responsible use of medicines in animals in the EU. EPRUMA issued in 2008 “Best-practice framework for the use of antimicrobials in food-producing animals” that was updated in 2015.

EATIP (European Aquaculture Technology & Innovation Platform), one of the European Technology Platforms endorsed by DG RESEARCH. It was set up by the European fish farmers (FEAP) with the support of the whole aquaculture supply industries, including leading fish feed producers and FEFAC’s Fish Feed Committee. EATIP developed a vision document on the research needs of the Aquaculture sector until 2020 including a strategic research and innovation agenda containing key projects which could facilitate the development of a more sustainable and competitive EU Aquaculture sector in line with CFP reform policy objective for Aquaculture.

The Aquaculture Advisory Council (AAC)
The Aquaculture Advisory Council (AAC) provides advice to the European Commission on all aquaculture-related matters laid down in the dedicated chapter on Aquaculture in the new Common Fisheries Policy. FEFAC is one of 15 founding members, together with i.a. FEAP, Copa-Cogeca, EMPA and the NGO Seas At Risk, who prepared the formal launch in summer 2016.

Industry4Europe is a large, cross-sectoral coalition of organisations dedicated to campaigning for an ambitious, long-term EU industrial strategy. Since its creation in 2017, the coalition has released numerous publications and organised several events to stress the importance of maintaining healthy and competitive manufacturing industries in the EU.
FFC (EU Feed and Food Chain platform on the use of green biotechnology), composed of partner organizations of the whole feed and food chain dealing with the impact of EU and international regulations and market developments for the use of modern biotechnology in agriculture and food production on EU feed and food markets.
EU FCTF (EU Feed Chain Task Force on the Catalogue of Feed Materials), a gathering of 41 EU organizations of the different sectors of the feed chain (feed material producers, traders, compound feed manufacturers and farmers) whose mission is to maintain and upgrade the EU Catalogue of Feed Materials. FEFAC holds the role of coordinator of the EU FCTF.
Food Safety Platform
Food Safety Platform, grouping key European stakeholder federations concerned with feed & food safety (including the European Consumers Association BEUC), aiming at improving communication between the feed & food chain partners on emerging feed and food safety issues and related topics. In April 2015, the Food Safety Platform held an event called “Safe food for European consumers” in the light of the WHO World Health Day.
FEFAC experts take part in the following EU Advisory Groups, Expert Committees, Civil Dialogue Groups (CDG) and Stakeholder Platforms
Directorate General for Health and Food Safety – DG SANTE
• Advisory Group on the Food Chain, Animal and Plant Health
• Animal Health Advisory Committee
• EU Platform on Food Losses and Food Waste (FLW)
• Expert Group on Animal Nutrition
• EU Platform on Animal Welfare
Directorate General for Agriculture and Rural Development – DG AGRI
• CDG Environment and Climate Change
• CDG Common Agricultural Policy
• CDG International aspects of Agriculture
• CDG Animal Products
• CDG Arable Crops
• CDG Milk
• CDG Organic Farming
Directorate General for Environment – DG ENV
• Commission Expert Group / Multi-Stakeholder Platform on Protecting and Restoring the World’s Forests
• EF Technical Advisory Board
European Food Safety Agency – EFSA
• EFSA Stakeholder Platform