The European Feed Manufacturers' Federation (FEFAC) was founded in 1959 by five national compound feed associations from France, Belgium, Germany, Italy and the Netherlands. Since June 2020 FEFAC has an adapted governance structure. Instead of a FEFAC Council comprising all member association Presidents, we now have a Board of 13 people.

Decision Bodies
The FEFAC Board ensures the proper governance of the Association, defines the strategy and the annual working plan, and decides on FEFAC position and lobbying mandate on strategic policy issues. The Board deliberates on all Governance matters. The Board defines the working mandates for FEFAC’s Committees and reviews at least once a year the activities of the Task Forces and Issue Teams. It consists of 13 members and is chaired by FEFAC President Asbjørn Børsting.
General Assembly
The General Assembly is the main statutory decision-making body of the association. It is organised as a forum for the presentation, discussion and approval/discharge on all issues falling under its competences and in line with the powers laid down in the Statutes.
Advisory Bodies
Directors’ General College
The Directors’ General College is composed by the Directors of the national member associations, which are full members. Its main task is to ensure effective coordination of the implementation of FEFAC’s working plan at national level. The Directors’ General College should also identify national association working priorities which may affect FEFAC’s working plan and its implementation.
Steering Group
The Steering Group comprises the leaders of the Feed industry. The people sitting in the Steering Group shall be the CEOs or their duly appointed representative of European compound feed and premixtures companies that are the largest in terms of production & sales activities. The Steering Group identifies and discusses key challenges affecting the European livestock and feed sector, to be addressed in FEFAC’s strategic work plan.
Horizontal Committees
Animal Nutrition Committee
The Animal Nutrition Committee advises the Board about the EU legislation covering animal nutrition, feed/food safety and relevant veterinary legislation. It also provides scientific expertise for the EFSA Risk assessment process regarding animal nutrition related opinions.
Industrial Compound Feed Production Committee
The Industrial Compound Feed Production Committee advises the Board on all EU policy and market developments that impact the economic performance and competitiveness of complete feed production. This includes raw material market issues and livestock market developments, as well as all issues affecting the production management of complete feeds (environmental legislation).
Feed Safety Management Committee
The Feed Safety Management Committee is responsible for enhancing the uptake of good practices for feed safety risk management at compound feed and premixtures plant levels, to maintain the European Feed Manufacturers’ Code for production of safe feed, to foster risk communication and coordinated risk management along the chain at EU level and to stimulate dialogue between competent control authorities and Feed business operators.
Sustainability Committee
The Sustainability Committee advises the Board on the EU policy developments regarding sustainability. This includes the communication of the contribution of the EU feed industry to sustainable EU livestock production through transparent and reliable figures; the development of methodology and guidelines regarding environmental footprinting and supply of sustainable raw materials and the coordination of EU-wide feed and food chain actions on all three sustainability pillars (social, economic and environmental aspects) to move towards more sustainable feed production in the EU and at global level.
Specialised Committees
Fish Feed Committee
The Fish Feed Committee is responsible for the follow-up of DG MARE policy on aquaculture linked to fish feed, EU legislation linked to public health (safety of fishmeal and fish oil) and addresses issues affecting economic performance of EU aquaculture from a feed perspective including support to EU funded aquaculture research projects.
Premix & Mineral Feed Committee
The Premix and Mineral Feed Committee advises the Board on EU policy linked to production assurance of premixes and feed minerals, analytical methods, labelling of premixes and feed minerals, authorisation of feed additives, safety aspects with regard to home mixtures and use of complementary feed.
Milk Replacers Committee
The Milk Replacers Committee is responsible for the follow-up of the EU legislation linked to public health (safety of by-products from dairy origin and safety of animal fats) and addresses issues affecting the economic performance of EU veal production from a feed perspective due to the increasing vertical integration in the main producer countries.