Agri-Food Chain Coalition launches EU Strategic Agenda 2024-2029

The Agri-Food Chain Coalition (AFCC) has published a recommendation for the EU Strategic Agenda 2024-2029 to include the strengthening of the European food autonomy and resilience as well as enhancing the competitiveness and sustainability of the entire EU-Agri food chain. In the interest of EU food autonomy and resilience, the AFCC calls on the EU to foster sustainable growth opportunities, strengthen single market regulations with more efficient and digital administrative practices, pursuing balanced trade agreements to diversify EU partnerships while decreasing reliance on external markets for critical products and evaluate targeted measures for handling market volatility and crises. The sustainability and competitiveness of the EU-Agri food chain would benefit from facilitating the decarbonisation and digitalisation of the entire agri-food supply chain, fostering market demand for green products (B2B and B2C) through green innovation, using financial support mechanisms beyond the CAP instruments to support the transition to a Green Digital Economy and recognising industry standards and guidelines for sustainable production and processing.
The Agri-Food Chain Coalition (AFCC) is a joint initiative representing 11 associations across the agri-food system. Members represent European farmers, cooperatives, and companies from the agriculture and livestock sector, farm equipment, plant and animal breeders, fertilisers, crop protection, animal health, feed, biotechnology-based products, and the agricultural trade.
- Animal Health Europe
- CEMA- European Agricultural Machinery Association
- Copa-Cogeca
- CropLife Europe
- EFFAB – European Forum of Farm Animal Breeders
- EuropaBio- The European Association of Bioindustries
- Euroseeds
- Fertilizers Europe