Animal Health and Welfare: what role for Animal Nutrition?

It is with great pleasure that we invite you to the first-ever FEFAC/FEFANA public virtual conference: Animal Health and Welfare: what role for Animal Nutrition?
The event, organised with EURACTIV, takes place on Wednesday, 19 May 2021, 09:30 – 11:00 CET.
We are highly pleased to confirm the participation of European Commissioner Stella Kyriakides who will open the event with a video statement. The panel will then proceed to explore how nutrition strategies can support the achievement of the animal health and welfare goals of the Farm to Fork Strategy, and how the EU can support innovation in the sector.
- Hanne Larsen, Chief Veterinary Officer, Danish Veterinary and Food Administration, Ministry of Environment and Food of Denmark
- Daniela Battaglia, Livestock Production Officer, Animal Production and Health Division, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
- Antonio Tavares, Chairman, Pig Meat Working Party, Copa-Cogeca
- Filip Van Immerseel, Professor, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Gent
- Benoit Anquetil, Managing Director, Cargill Animal Nutrition Western Europe
Looking forward to your participation.