FEFAC publishes factsheets about the PEFCR Feed
The two factsheets are developed with a view to helping compound feed manufacturers with their understanding of the PEFCR Feed for Food-Producing Animals. This publication contains the methodology (i.e. rulebook) for how to measure and calculate the environmental footprint of animal feed production. Following recommendations from its members, FEFAC hopes to hereby reduce the level of complexity of the topic.
The factsheet “Key elements in data collection for PEFCR Feed” intends to highlight in which aspects feed manufacturers need to collect company-based information if they want to perform environmental footprinting in line with the PEFCR Feed. At the same time, it shows what they can use secondary (default) data for, such as the environmental impacts of the sourced feed ingredients used in a feed formulation. For this purpose, companies can make use of the GFLI Database. The separate graph included in the factsheet can also be downloaded here).
The factsheet “Step-wise engagement plan for feed manufacturers on environmental footprinting” intends to present feed manufacturers with an indication of where to start when it comes to environmental footprinting and set out a work plan in line with their company level of ambition. It is highlighted that feed manufacturers should realise that ‘working with the PEFCR Feed’ in practice can mean embarking on a learning journey that starts with initiating an internal process that makes environmental footprinting information readily available, without having a precise outcome in mind.