FEFAC-Nevedi 2 June 2022 Joint Public Event: Online registration open
FEFAC and Nevedi, representing respectively the European and Dutch feed industry, will co-host the 66th FEFAC Public Annual meeting on 2 June 2022 in Utrecht, during the VICTAM/VIV Europe Expo, expecting more than 200 delegates from the EU feed sector and value chain partners. The main theme of the Public Annual meeting will focus on the “EU food & feed autonomy in times of geopolitical crisis / EU Food Resilienceplan and the Green Deal”.
EU & Dutch feed industry and farmer leaders will exchange views with Mr Wolfgang Burtscher, Director General, DG AGRI, European Commission and Mr Guido Landheer, Deputy Director General, Dutch Farm Ministry on how the feed industry can contribute to EU feed and livestock sector resilience following the Russian invasion of Ukraine, which closed off essential feed grain & mineral supplies from the Black Sea region. The second expert panel will discuss the perspective of Mr Rasmus Prehn, Danish Farm Minister and chair of the Amsterdam Declaration Group on Deforestation on the European Commission proposal on deforestation-free supply chains as well as existing practically feasible soy value chain solutions using FEFAC’s “no conversion” Soy Sourcing Guidelines 2021 as a key reference to achieve the Green Deal objectives on Biodiversity.
The possibility to attend the conference online (9h30 – 12h45 CET) is now open. Online participation can be selected in the menu after filling in the personal details. The full programme can be found here.