FEFAC webinar on Circular Feed 31 March 2022
The current Ukraine crisis situation demonstrates again the vulnerabilities in the EU food system, and in particular the dependencies on imports for a wide range of feed ingredients. It amplifies the importance of exploring the potential for harnessing alternative nutrient sources from the European circular economy, focusing on long-term strategies to boost the ‘EU feed autonomy’. The European Compound Feed & Premix Manufacturers industry is open to take this challenge on, already highlighted in the EU Farm to Fork Strategy. FEFAC is committed to facilitate the reflection on how policy-making could enable innovation for the safe recovery of nutrients via alternative raw material streams through animal nutrition with a view to creating a more sustainable and resilient food system.
On 31 March 2022 from 15h to 16h45 CET (in previous communication 16h30 was mentioned) FEFAC will organise a webinar dedicated to the topic of ‘Circular Feed’, inviting speakers from the insects, algae, phosphorous and former foodstuffs processing sectors to present their ambition to supply the feed industry with nutrient resources recovered from the circular economy, while upholding the highest standards of feed safety. Dr Martin Scholten from the Wageningen University will provide a keynote presentation to set the scene.
More information on the programme and the registration can be found on the webinar’s event page.