Recording & presentations from FEFAC & AFIA webinar on feed industry contributions to help animal production reach zero-net GHG emission targets
The 5th edition of the FEFAC Charter Webinar Series 2021, took place on the 19th of October 2021, at 16:00 CET. Co-organised with our partner AFIA (American Feed Industry Association), this webinar takes place in times of events of global significance when it comes to sustainable food production: The UN Food Systems Summit and the UN Climate Change Conference (COP26) in November.
The webinar emphasised the feed industry’s contributions to help animal production reach zero-net GHG emission targets, including the UN SDGs targets. The newly available LCA based tools reflecting the latest scientific progress in environmental footprinting and related database development(GFLI) were also discussed which will enable and accelerate the transition of the livestock economy toward a zero-net emission sector.
Please find below the presentations from the event:
Lyndsay Chapman, Chief Executive, CIEL
Nick Major, FEFAC Board Member / GFLI Chair
Ruud Zanders, Founding Partner of Kipster
You can also watch the full recording of the webinar: