GFLI makes available Q&A and database Guidance Document
On 21 December 2021, the GFLI published a Q&A and database Guidance Document in an effort to provide an explanation about the understanding of the GFLI Database. The Q&A addresses matters such as how to access the GFLI database, what to do when a feed ingredient is missing and how the GFLI database differs from other databases. The Guidance Document is of more technical nature and explains how to read the Lifecycle Impact Assessment (LCIA) excel document. It addresses points on how to understand the different possible allocation methods to choose from, the environmental impact categories in the LCA datasets and how feed manufacturers could use the GFLI LCA Database. An update of the Guidance Document is already foreseen once the GFLI Database has undergone its technical update in the first quarter of 2022.
GFLI also announced the membership of ADM and De Heus Nutrition, bringing the current total of corporate members to 12.