Online training on PEFCR Marine Fish for Human Consumption

On 15 February 14h30-16h30 CET, the European Commission will organise a training that will provide an overview of the PEFCR Marine Fish for Human Consumption and give initial information to companies aiming at implementing PEF studies under this PEFCR. The first part will give a brief overview of the Environmental footprint and address questions such as what is a PEFCR, why it is important, who can apply it, and what this PEFCR is for. In the main part, a kick-start training will be given to organizations planning to implement a PEF study under this PEFCR.
Interested people can register here. The training builds on basic PEF webinars and trainings available at the DG ENV website. FEFAC is a member of the PEFCR Marine Fish for Human Consumption Technical Secretariat.