Presentation made available from Dr André Bannink during Managing Methane Emissions in Livestock Farming

On April 12, FEFAC hosted a webinar on managing methane emissions in livestock farming. The online event was the third of the FEFAC Charter 2030 Webinar Series. The event was supported by the European Dairy Association (EDA and the European Livestock and Meat Traders & processors Union (UECBV) to learn more about these strategies and what it takes to make them fully operational and accessible for all livestock farmers.
Dr. Andre Bannink, Wageningen Livestock Research, Wageningen UR, gave a presentation titled Emission of methane by enteric fermentation: factors impacting on methane formation/reduction options. He confirmed that there was a significant potential for the reduction of methane emissions from enteric fermentation and reported advances in the development of methodologies to modelise these gains and identify key indicators for measurement. It was also discussed about the factors impacting methane formation, overview on measurement methodologies and key mitigation options via animal nutrition ranging from optimal grassland management, low-fibre, low-nitrogen and high starch diets to use of feed additives. Dr Bannink referred to the need to effectively address possible trade-offs linked to CH4 mitigating measures, which are small in general but may easily occur.
The presentation has been made available and can be viewed here.