Presentations available from Practical implementation of the PEFCR and GFLI: Delivering feed industry value to livestock & aquaculture customers.
On 17 March 2021, FEFAC and AFIA held their webinar on “Practical implementation of the PEFCR and GFLI: Delivering feed industry value to livestock & aquaculture customers”. The webinar puts the theory of the Product Environmental Footprint Category Rules (PEFCR) and Global Feed LCA Institute (GFLI) life cycle datasets into practice.
The presentations can be found below:
Delanie Kellon: How to Use the GFLI Database for Environmental Impact Assessments of Feed
Hans Blonk: Making a Feed PEF study in practice
Tom Battagliese: Integrating life cycle analytics into feed formulation for a more sustainable value chain
Dr. Lina Sofie von Fricken: Applied climate protection – Improving the ecological footprint of compound feed using PEFCR and GFLI
David Nickell: How to communicate LCA results to feed and livestock customers
All recordings of the presentations and full event video will be made available soon.