Re-authorisation of non-ruminant Processed Animal Proteins (PAP) in non-ruminant feed

The Regulation re-authorising the use of porcine processed animal proteins (PAP) in poultry feed, avian PAP in pig feed, insect PAP in pig and poultry feed and ruminant gelatine in non-ruminant feed will enter into application on 6 September 2021. This is the most recent step taken in the lifting of the feed ban, after the re-authorisation of porcine and avian PAP in fish feed in 2013 and insect PAP in fish feed in 2017.
Regulation (EU) 2021/1372 published by the EU Commission on 18 August 2021 is the conclusion of more than 4 years of discussion at EU level. This new step in the EU roadmap for the lifting of the feedban concerns materials deemed to be safe for use in food-producing animal production, based on the EFSA risk assessment. The new conditions of production, transport and use are extremely strict. It requires, in particular, physical separation of facilities per type of species all along the chain to avoid cross-contamination with ruminant PAP (which remain fully prohibited in feed for food producing animals) and to comply with the “cannibalism ban”, i.e. to avoid contamination of pig feed with porcine PAP, poultry feed with avian PAP, etc. In addition, controls based on extremely sensitive PCR methods of analysis will be performed both by operators and authorities. The EC considers this further step in the lifting of the feed ban as consistent with the objective of a more circular bioeconomy and reduction of waste. However, the strict conditions for production and use of porcine and avian PAPs will limit significantly the scope of this measure. As far as Insect PAP is concerned, EU production is still very limited in the EU and is used mostly in pet food and aquaculture. Its use in porcine and poultry feed will depend on its competitiveness. For more information, please visit the FEFAC website.