Second ITC Roundtable - Industry responses to deforestation: methodologies & approaches implemented in Global Value Chains
The International Trade Centre (ITC) an agency of the United Nations based in Switzerland, is convening four rounds of private-public consultations and development of concrete plans of actions for “Deforestation-free Global Value Chains” in priority commodities sectors, such as soy, cocoa, and coffee. Fighting against global deforestation and forest degradation at the international level has become a worldwide priority, and the European Union is developing a proposal for a new regulation on “deforestation-free” products. The roundtable sessions explore the wider value chain opportunities and different stakeholder voices. The first roundtable in March 2022 investigated the state of play in producing countries, in Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Ivory Coast, Ghana, Peru and Vietnam) to better understand the specific challenges and priorities around deforestation. The second event now focuses on industry responses to deforestation. We aim to explore best practices, promote learning across industries and highlight specific challenges on deforestation along the supply chain. A consolidated summary will be available for reference.
Join us for a keynote by Mr. Matthew Spencer, IDH – The Sustainable Trade Initiative, followed by an expert panel discussion, moderated by Mr. Adrian Greet, Director & Owner – A. Greet Co. Limited, Senior Advisor – Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership.
Panel session:
- Mr. Didier Bergeret, Director Sustainability, The Consumer Goods Forum
- Ms. Petra Tanos, Head of Private Sector Engagement & Strategic Partnerships, Tropical Forest Alliance, World Economic Forum
- Ms. Ana Yaluff, Sustainability Manager EMEAI, ADM Germany
- Mr. Ethan Budiansky, Senior Director of Environment, World Cocoa Foundation
- Moderator Mr. Adrian Greet, Director & Owner – A. Greet Co. Limited, Senior Advisor – Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership