Upgrade of FEFAC’s Feed Sustainability Charter webpage
FEFAC has launched an upgraded webpage for their Feed Sustainability Charter 2030. At the XXIX FEFAC Congress on 25 September FEFAC launched its Feed Sustainability Charter 2030. The Charter is the European feed industry response to the EU Green Deal Objectives affecting EU feed and livestock production. It also includes five ambitions to contribute to more sustainable livestock and aquaculture production.
You can also find the 1st Charter Progress Report 2021 on the webpage. The progress report provides an overview of FEFAC activities and deliverables in relation to the five ambitions on how the European Feed Industry can contribute to the development of more sustainable livestock and aquaculture value chains. A summary edition of the report is also made available, along with FEFAC members national sustainability charters, roadmaps, agendas and action plans.